What we Believe

St Illtud's Church, Llantwit Major is the largest church in the Glamorgan Heritage Coast Parish. The parish is part of the Diocese of Llandaff, which in turn is part of the Church in Wales in the world-wide Anglican Communion.
A Statement of Faith and Purpose
The Church in Wales believes and proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ, namely:
that God is active and personal: a Father who cares for creation, and for every human being as a beloved child;
that God is revealed in the historical person of Jesus Christ, and that through the life, death and resurrection of this one person, God has proclaimed the deepest love for the world, and opened a way, accessible through our response of faith, by which God’s love and life may be poured into our lives.
that God is at work in the world today as Spirit, inspiring faith, justice and truth.
St Illtud’s Church embraces this statement of faith and seeks to live it out to the full, in service of its local and wider community:
In Welcome and Care…
We welcome all who are drawn here, irrespective of gender, race, disability, sexuality, whether or not you are a person of faith or not. You are welcome and we believe that you are deeply loved by God.
In Prayer and Worship…
We encounter the God of love in prayer and worship each day, offering the best of our time and talents in the service of God. Please pray for us, as we pray for you.
In Word and in Sacrament…
We proclaim God who dwells in our midst and shares the journey of our lives. We break open God’s Word, to reveal the Lord’s abiding presence in the water of baptism and the joyous life of faith that flows from this.
All these things are summed up in the simple action of breaking bread, which is at the heart of our work and witness day by day and week by week. It is a constant reminder of the example and commission that Jesus set before his first disciples; that they should gather to bread together and “Remember me.”
Luke’s Gospel tells of two disciples who met Jesus after his resurrection (Luke chapter 24, verses 13-35):
“They recognised him in the breaking of bread”.
The breaking of bread is a selfless act of sharing the presence of the Risen Christ. It defines and underpins every aspect of our life at St Illtud’s, providing the heartbeat of our work and witness in God’s name.